has been on the market since 1995.
The company deals in manufacture, import and trade of lamps and lighting systems.
Our main advantages are:
- Our manufacturing base is in a new modern building and we own two shops in Plovidiv.
- We are the exclusive distributor of the largest producer of lighting fixtures and lamps - FSL
- We import European and Asian goods.
- We work with leading brands – Philips, Osram, Hellas Schwabe, GE.
- We have business partners all round the country.
- We deliver goods to our clients throughout Bulgaria with our own transport.
Product range:
Part of our activity is the production of Columns for street lighting,which we manufacture at our base.
These can be made by an individual project of the client.
Our company willingly adopts new tendencies, ideas and techniques in lighting. We constantly update our knowledge so that we can be highly competitive on this market.
2R BULGARIA EOOD has implemented and operates an Integrated Quality Management System, Environment and Health and Safety at Work (IMS), in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018, and the following scope :
In order to implement its management policy, the Management of 2R BULGARIA EOOD has defined the following main objectives, which are a framework for determining the specific short-term management objectives:
- increasing the number of clients of the organization;
meeting current and future requirements of customers and stakeholders;
- increasing the quality and expanding the range of products offered;
- ensuring compliance with applicable compliance obligations with regard to the quality of products and services, health and safety at work and the environment;
- optimization of processes through the use of new technologies and equipment in order to increase quality, prevent pollution from their activities and improve working conditions;
- prevention of injuries by minimizing and effectively managing risks to the health and safety of staff and other stakeholders;
- conducting trainings and continuous improvement of the qualification of the employees, including for the purpose of preserving their health and safety, as well as for increasing their personal responsibility for environmental protection;
- increasing the efficiency in using the available material, human and financial resources;
- maintaining the motivation of all employees to improve their daily work, personal responsibility for environmental protection and awareness of the commitment to prevent and prevent pollution from their activities;
- planning activities and reviewing working conditions with care for employees, in order to continuously improve the management of healthy and safe working conditions in the organization;
- conducting trainings for the purpose of raising the qualification of the workers, consulting and participation of the workers and their representatives, including for the purpose of increasing their personal responsibility for quality assurance, protection of the environment, health and safety at work;
- to continuously improve the quality, environmental and health and safety at work management system and to increase the performance in relation to the environment and health and safety at work.
MANAGEMENT commit themselves, within the context of the organization to pursue its strategy to perform these activities quality, meeting the demands of customers and all stakeholders, AND CARE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, AND THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF PERSONNEL AND ALL STAKEHOLDERS. MANAGEMENT complies with nature, scale and environmental impacts that have its activities and products and the specific nature of the risks and opportunities in terms of quality, environment and health and safety at work. AS MANAGER OF 2R BULGARIA EOOD, I DECLARE MY PERSONAL PARTICIPATION AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ANNOUNCED MANAGEMENT POLICY. Manager:
Rusi Rusev
Date: 20.04.2020